Birth date: 2000-10-27
Body type: Thin
Ethnicity: White
Hair color: Blonde
Eyes color: Green
Specifics: BigAss BigTits
Best place ever: null
Number of times favorited: 1852
Historical rating: 746
Viewers rating: 20
Trending rating: 51
Number of viewers: 4
Goal message:
Happy Day!: 8
hello,Anna: 10
I see no BB here: 11
call me on a date: 15
vr kiss/kiss: 20
thank u for being here: 21
next song please/order song: 25
wanna be your soulmate: 55
hells walk: 90
eye fuck: 99
slap ass x5: 99
put on stockings: 100
teasing : 104
zoom boobs: 222
Put on an erotic costume: 300
hearts all over the body: 333
glitter BUM 1 song: 345
I need for something sexy: 400
show in shower!: 500
make 5 hot photos online: 555
rest 30 min: 800
rest 1 hours: 2000
flowers for me!: 2222
arrange a stream in the club: 2323
key to my heart: 3333
pick up a gift: 6000
a day off for you dear: 6666
Marry me : 8888
top hour : 22222