Avatar picture of AuroraRay profile


Beautiful AuroraRay camgirl in vrcamshot.comOpen AuroraRay's channel at vrcamshot.com ↗

Birth date: 1981-05-21

Body type: Thin

Ethnicity: White

Hair color: Other

Eyes color: Grey

Subculture: None


Best place ever: 0

Number of times favorited: 2397

Historical rating: 0

Viewers rating: 0

Trending rating: 0

Number of viewers: 0

Goal message:

Tips menu

Haiku on your topic: 30

A parable: 20

A song verse in English: 20

A song verse in French: 25

Your contribution into harmony: 20

For enlightenment: 20

If you like me: 30

Private messaging: 30

If you like my room: 25

If you enjoy our communication: 25

If you like music in my room: 20

If you like my image : 25

Just as a gesture: 100

If you are a gentleman: 500

Show what generosity is like: 1000

To sweeten the greeting: 50

Open AuroraRay's channel at vrcamshot.com ↗