Avatar picture of LexiReyes profile


Beautiful LexiReyes camgirl in vrcamshot.comOpen LexiReyes's channel at vrcamshot.com ↗

Birth date: 1984-12-06

Body type: Athletic

Ethnicity: White

Hair color: Other

Eyes color: Brown

Subculture: Glamour

Specifics: BigTits Shaven

Best place ever: 0

Number of times favorited: 22243

Historical rating: 0

Viewers rating: 0

Trending rating: 0

Number of viewers: 3

Goal message:

Tips menu

Naked Boobs: 250

Flash Ass: 150

Spank: 125

Topless Dance: 600

Feet: 100

Flex boobs : 200

Twerk in bed: 200

Change outfit: 250

Stand up : 100

Blow a kiss: 30

Show 1 toy: 250

Show tongue: 50

Lick nipples : 333

Hot striptease: 999

show armpit: 220

Stockings: 125

Say my name: 50

Insult: 60

Snapchat : 5000

Heels: 150

Flash Panties: 150

Panties Down : 600

Whats App: 10000

smoking cigarette: 666

PM request: 50

suck finger : 200

loser taxe: 666

spit on cam: 100

i love you: 333

instagram : 2000

Open LexiReyes's channel at vrcamshot.com ↗