Avatar picture of LindseyBanks profile


Beautiful LindseyBanks camgirl in vrcamshot.comOpen LindseyBanks's channel at vrcamshot.com ↗

Birth date: 1969-10-14

Body type: Thin

Ethnicity: Latino

Hair color: Other

Eyes color: Black

Subculture: Romantic


Best place ever: 69

Number of times favorited: 38912

Historical rating: 998

Viewers rating: 1

Trending rating: 59

Number of viewers: 41

Goal message:

Tips menu

Submit to me!: 100

Private Message: 100

Bow and kiss my feet!: 200

Let you lick my feet!: 300

Let you take me private.: 500

Man up and be King of the Room: 5000

Open LindseyBanks's channel at vrcamshot.com ↗