Avatar picture of OliviaSwet profile


Beautiful OliviaSwet camgirl in vrcamshot.comOpen OliviaSwet's channel at vrcamshot.com ↗

Birth date: 2002-05-08

Body type: Thin

Ethnicity: White

Hair color: Blonde

Eyes color: Green

Subculture: Romantic

Specifics: SmallTits

Best place ever: 0

Number of times favorited: 5515

Historical rating: 490

Viewers rating: 10

Trending rating: 18

Number of viewers: 1

Goal message:

Tips menu

If you like me: 5

Air kiss: 10

Show Me Ur Sexy Feet: 15

Show tongue: 19

Heels: 21

Dance: 35

Change my outfit: 55

Slap my Ass x4: 70

Snapchat: 66

my love forever: 2222

Doggy: 101

smile for you: 3

Flash Armpit: 9

Keep doing that: 17

if you think Im sexy: 13

end of shift. day off: 3131

pm: 2

sexy panty dance: 141

have a good night, see ya late: 14

Show belly\navel: 22

I am cute: 12

fulfill my little dream: 666

give me a hug: 11

If u like my vibe: 18

Open OliviaSwet's channel at vrcamshot.com ↗