Avatar picture of Rachel_blush profile


Beautiful Rachel_blush camgirl in vrcamshot.comOpen Rachel_blush's channel at vrcamshot.com ↗

Birth date: 1998-04-18

Body type: Athletic

Ethnicity: White

Hair color: Blonde

Eyes color: Blue

Subculture: Student

Specifics: BigAss SmallTits

Best place ever: null

Number of times favorited: 1943

Historical rating: 425

Viewers rating: 17

Trending rating: 35

Number of viewers: 3

Goal message:

Tips menu

just because i like it: 50

PM: 25

Show feet: 11

Spank Ass x3: 15

Spank Ass x6: 30

If you like me: 222

Air Kiss: 14

Eye contact: 15

VR kiss: 22

Your nickname on my body: 99

doggy on camera in panties: 88


body tour: 33

ass close up: 44

oil and ass: 66

oil and chest: 77

immediately naked: 1111

dont hide behind hands: 444

water show: 333

blowjob 5 minutes: 666

Open Rachel_blush's channel at vrcamshot.com ↗